Nurseries & Children's Centres

Our approach is flexible to best support you

Working with Early Years

Early childhood is a really important time for language development; however many children still start school with poor communication skills. Early years settings have a huge role to play in supporting the development of SLCN in young children. We work closely with settings to identify the support they require and provide a range of options in terms of how to best develop these to support practitioners and children. We can provide a tailored service to meet your settings needs. This may include a whole nursery approach, screening/ assessing all children, setting up small group sessions, training for practitioners and parents. 



Since becoming a parent herself Jennifer has realised the huge value that that speech and language therapists have to offer parents and educators of all children. As a result of this she has set up Communicate & Thrive which offers online courses, training and workshops for parents and educators.

Please don’t hesitate to email or contact us for more information about how we can support your setting.