Our Hanen® trained Specialist Speech and Language therapists Dr. Abbie Moran and Abi Beecham run More Than Words and Talkability programs on a rolling basis.
Get in touch to find out when the next programs are running and to book onto a free orientation session to find out more.
More Than Words®
The More Than Words® program is an evidence based online 12 week course that provides parents of pre-school autistic children and children who may benefit from help with their social communication with practical strategies to confidently support their child’s communication.
You'll learn:
What motivates your child to communicate.
How to use your knowledge about your child's strengths to set appropriate and realistic goals.
How to make interactions with your child last longer.
Strategies for how to talk so that your child understands you.
Read the research summary for the More Than Words® Program here.
“After completing 'More Than Words®' with Abi I can honestly say that I am much more confident in my ability to identify opportunities to build on interactions with my son. More than words has helped me to identify what motivates my child to communicate and has helped me understand how to set realistic goals for him which is really invaluable. Thanks to Abi and her support, interactions with my son are lasting much longer than they were and my son is requesting much more interaction than he once did. I hadn't heard of this program until Abi mentioned it and I love that it taught us as parents how to work with our child as an individual”.
“Thank you both for all of the sessions. It has been such a source of guidance and reassurance! My daughter has made heaps of progress and more importantly I feel so much more apart of the fun she is having!”
The TalkAbility ™ Program is an evidence based intervention for autistic children (ages 4-12) who are speaking in sentences and having conversations. An online, 12 week program incorporating both group and individual sessions, we will teach you strategies you can apply during your everyday life with your child to help you understand your child’s perspective better, and to help your child understand the perspectives of others – a key part of social communication. You also learn how to help your child have longer conversations with both adults and peers, as well as how to support their friendship skills.
Encourage longer, more meaningful conversations.
Help your child notice and understand the social messages people send non-verbally.
Understand your child’s perspective and help them understand the perspectives of others.
Foster your child’s friendship skills.
Expand your child’s play skills.
Read the research summary on the Talkability™ program here.